1/Nominating a president from its members and submitting his name to thePresident of the Council to submit it in turn to the Council of Ministers
2/Developing policies and plans to develop and upgrade the universityacademically, administratively and financially
3/Attracting financial resources
4/ Appointing the legal financial auditor to the university and discusshis annual report or any other report submitted by him.
5/Approves the budget, proposed by the Financial and Administrative Committee.
6/Approval of contracts
7/Issuing the statutes, regulations and rules governing the work of the University
8/To propose the terms of the university staffs’ service and submit them to theboard of trustees to authorize them.
9/Determines the tuition fees and scholarship grants
10/ Appointment of the university staff
TheUniversity should have a board of trustees formed from:
1/A President
2/Founders, not more than fifteen (permanent members)
3/Ex officio members:
First:The President is a member
Second: Deputy President a Member
Third: The university vice dean is amember and rapporteur
Fourth: Secretary of AcademicAffairs is a member
Fifth: Dean of Student Affairsmember
4/ Selected members:
First: Four Faculties’ deans, rulesand regulations determine how they are chosen.
Second: Three Faculties’ members,rules and regulations determine how they are chosen.
Third: The graduate’srepresentative, rules and regulations determine how he is chosen.
Fourth: Five members from outsidethe university with academic competence and experience selected by the foundersin consultation with the President of the Council.
TheBoard of Trustees meets at the specified time and place determined by itsPresident
-The Board of Trustees meets at least twice a year
-The Board of Trustees convenes in an extraordinary meeting at the request ofthe President or in writing from the majority of its members.
- The quorum of the board of trustees meeting iscompleted in the presence of more than half of its members, with the presidenthaving a weighted vote in the event of equal votes.