1- Works under thesupervision of the University President in relation to the performance of theInformation Technology Centre.
2- Prepares strategies forthe development requirements based on studying the needs of the university, anddevelops the necessary plans to bring about the required development.
3- Follows-up the operationof the applicable systems, assesses their efficiency and supervises theanalysis of the needs of the departments that use these systems and developsspecial plans to secure them.
4- Identifies thespecifications of alternative solutions, additions and updates needed andstudies their feasibility technically and economically.
5- Studies, analyzes anddevelops root solutions to prevent their recurrence, and presents them tosenior management experts, and supervises their implementation.
6- Follows-up on theefficiency of the work of computers, information network, printing devices andverification of their suitability to the requirements of users.
7- Continues repairingbreakdowns as quickly as possible, and works to minimize them.
8- Oversees the provisionof technical support to the departments using the system, and ensures that therequired guidance is provided to ensure operational integrity.
9- Works to identify thesystem's needs of devices and commitments and follows-up their provision andsupervises the planning and implementation of the necessary replacementprogrammes
10- Develops appropriateplans to secure the information stored in the system, ensures its safety andsupervises its implementation and verifies its efficiency.
12- Developsbusiness working plans and priorities for managing information technology.Distributes duties, directs subordinates and monitors the results ofimplementation.
13- Evaluatesthe performance of direct subordinates and develops career plans to raise theirperformance levels.
14- Makes surethe application of safety basics and environmental health by users.
Carries any other tasks assigned by thepresident.
Information Technology Department Proud of our talented members
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