The Centre for Qualityand Scientific Development at the University of Almughtaribeen hosted in themain Conference Hall, this morning, Professor Mohamed Qamari, Professor ofMedicine at the University of Algeria, one of the guests participating in theinternational conference on social sciences and their role in the developmentof Nations, held by Almughtaribeen University on Saturday and Sunday in theHall of the Federal Zakat Bureau.

Professor Mohamed Qamarigave an interesting presentation on the history of medicine from ancient timesto the present, recounting what is mentioned in the Holy Quran and in Prophet'sSunnah about physical, psychological and spiritual medicine, and about the highstatus enjoyed by doctors and health care providers that follows the degree ofprophets. He also presented a comprehensive account of historical stations anddevelopments in medicine.

He discussed ancientGreek civilization and the beliefs, in distant history, about the gods of theOld Testament, such as the medical god Apuleius, where the profession wasconfined to the descendants or family of Esslabius until the father ofmedicine, Hippocrates, appeared in the 4th and 3rd centuries BC and their greatrole in developing and establishing rules, constitutions and standards oflearning and practicing the medical profession and then including it in thefamous Hippocrates section, which includes many materials that oblige thedoctor to credibility, integrity, high morality and care for the safety ofpatients and to avoid harming them. He also showed some of the difficultiespharmacists faced due to doctors using symbols when writing prescriptions,which are difficult to read the thing which has continued up to this day.

 Qamari noted the majorprogress that has taken place in the medical profession with the emergence ofIslamic civilization, which has witnessed a remarkable development in healthcare, telling of the roles of many companions of Prophet Mohamed, peace be uponhim, in healing patients through the later periods until the emergence of IbnSina and Al Razi and their leading role in the discovery of diseases, thesciences of medicine, the ethics of the profession, and in the great developmentthat has occurred as a result of their efforts and research.